Liner services
Eurabia-Schiffahrts-Agentur GmbH represents the liner carriers BSLE Italia, CNAN Nord and CNAN Med/Algeria, CONTEMED/UK, as well as GNMTC/Libya and Cotunav/Tunesia:
Liner services from and to- Persian Gulf,
- Iran,
- India
- and ports en route
CNAN NORD Spa, Alger/Algeria
Liner services from and to- Algeria,
- Tunesia,
- Turkey,
- Egypt
- and ports en route in the Mediteranian Sea
CNAN MED Spa, Alger/Algeria
Liner services from and to- Algeria
CONTEMED UK Ltd., London/United Kingdom
Liner services from and to- Turkey,
- Egypt,
- Libya
G.N.M.T.C. - General National Maritime Transport Co., Tripoli/Libya
Liner services from and to- Libya
Cotunav - Compagnie Tunisienne de Navigation, Tunis/Tunesia
Liner services from and to- Tunesia